My addiction

It haunts me, it never leaves me alone.
Whether illegal or not, they control us.

So many times I said I would not let it control me any more.
So many times I realized I was deep into it again.

It surrounds me, engulfs me.
I can't escape it.

I see it on store shelves, in advertisement and it is so easy to get.
I wish it where illegal, I think it would be easier to turn away from.

Others use it without being controlled by it.
It occupies my dreams, and my sleeping thought.

I have to find the strength somewhere.

Part of me thinks it would be better to live by myself,
In a cave without contact from the outside world, I would have no option to sustain it.

Those who are not addicted to it tell me to stop, as if it where that easy.
Do they think I can just turn it off like a light switch?

I tell you that I would have to turn off the light, tear the switch off the wall.
Demolish the wall, destroy the power grid. I would have to destroy the power station.

And then when that old familiar itch came back, I would be motivated to rebuild it all.
Just to turn that light back on.

If you are battling it, I want to say I understand.
If you are battling it, don't do it alone.

You NEED reinforcements...

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